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The Human Brand: People are highly tuned intent detectors

??’What we see is a completely human thing. In the small communities of the past, sellers and buyers had direct relationships, and if something wasn’t okay, the community got involved. During and after the Industrial Revolution, face-to-face contact rapidly declined, and more and more intermediaries were involved. With that, responsibility and liability disappeared. The digital revolution is getting underway and boom, liability is back, and not just a little bit.’


Tesla’s Marketing Strategy

Tesla is all about Being Authentic Tesla, brand recognition is purely organic, thanks to social media. Unlike in most companies, Elon Musk is not your typical CEO. He does not shy away from social media and does not filter what he puts there.

Amazon Electric Vans

What is Amazon Business Strategy?

Are you a retailer cracking your head on how to level up to eCommerce giants like Amazon? Or you may be a seller looking for ways to succeed on Amazon. You have to find a way to incorporate the retailer’s business strategy into yours to have a better chance of success.


Vaccine Tourism: What it is and Its Implications

The long-awaited Covid 19 vaccine is finally here. Have you received your shot yet?

If you haven’t, it’s probably because of one of these three reasons:
Rollout rules and procedures(delays)
Vaccine hesitancy
Inaccessibility to the vaccine

If the reason you have not been able to get your jab is not vaccine hesitancy, here is some good news. As long as you can afford it, you can jump the queue and get your shot as soon as you want, thanks to vaccine tourism.